

Neural voting machines

14 years 7 days ago
Neural voting machines
In theories of cognition that view the mind as a system of interacting agents, there must be mechanisms for aggregate decision-making, such as voting. Here we show that certain voting procedures studied by social scientists can be implemented as recurrent neural networks. For example, a standard "winner-take-all" network can determine which of a number of competing alternatives garners a plurality of votes. Similarly, in the special case where voters share a model governing the different rankings of alternatives, the Borda procedure can easily be computed. In the face of voter un-certainties, this Borda network returns the maximum likelihood choice.
Whitman Richards, H. Sebastian Seung, Galen Pickar
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where NN
Authors Whitman Richards, H. Sebastian Seung, Galen Pickard
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