

Neurocalibration: A Neural Network That Can Tell Camera Calibration Parameters

15 years 2 months ago
Neurocalibration: A Neural Network That Can Tell Camera Calibration Parameters
Camera calibration is a primary crucial step in many computer vision tasks. In this paper we present a new neural approach for camera calibration. Unlike some existing neural approaches, our calibrating network can tell the perspective-projection-transformation matrix between the world 3D points and the corresponding 2D image pixels. Starting from random initial weights, the net can specify the camera model parameters satisfying the orthogonality constraints on the rotational transformation. The neurocalibration technique is shown to solve four di erent types of calibration problems that are found in computer vision applications. Moreover, it can be extended to the more di cult problem of calibrating cameras with automated active lenses. The validity and performance of our technique are tested with both synthetic data under different noise conditions and with real images. Experiments have shown the accuracy and the e ciency of our neurocalibration technique.
Moumen T. Ahmed, Elsayed E. Hemayed, Aly A. Farag
Added 15 Oct 2009
Updated 15 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where ICCV
Authors Moumen T. Ahmed, Elsayed E. Hemayed, Aly A. Farag
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