

A Neutral Approach to Proof and Refutation in MALL

14 years 7 months ago
A Neutral Approach to Proof and Refutation in MALL
We propose a setting in which the search for a proof of B or a refutation of B (a proof of ¬B) can be carried out simultaneously: this is in contrast to the usual approach in automated deduction where we need to commit to proving either B or ¬B. Our neutral approach to proof and refutation is described as a two player game in which each player follows the same rules. A winning strategy translates to a proof of the formula and a winning counter-strategy translates to a refutation of the formula. The game is described for multiplicative and additive linear logic without atomic formulas. A game theoretic treatment of the multiplicative connectives is intricate and our approach to it involves two important ingredients. First, labeled graph structures are used to represent positions in a game and, second, the game playing must deal with the failure of a given player and with an appropriate resumption of play. This latter ingredient accounts for the fact that neither player might win (tha...
Olivier Delande, Dale Miller
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where LICS
Authors Olivier Delande, Dale Miller
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