

New Algorithms for SIMD Alignment

14 years 6 months ago
New Algorithms for SIMD Alignment
Optimizing programs for modern multiprocessor or vector platforms is a major important challenge for compilers today. In this work, we focus on one challenging aspect: the SIMD ALIGNMENT problem. Previously, only heuristics were used to solve this problem, without guarantees on the number of shifts in the obtained solution. We study two interesting and realistic special cases of the SIMD ALIGNMENT problem and present two novel and efficient algorithms that provide optimal solutions for these two cases. The new algorithms employ dynamic programming and a MIN-CUT/MAX-FLOW algorithm as subroutines. We also discuss the relation between the SIMD ALIGNMENT problem and the MULTIWAY CUT and NODE MULTIWAY CUT problems; and we show how to derive an approximated solution to the SIMD ALIGNMENT problem based on approximation algorithms to these two known problems.
Liza Fireman, Erez Petrank, Ayal Zaks
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CC
Authors Liza Fireman, Erez Petrank, Ayal Zaks
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