

A New Exact Algorithm for the Two-Sided Crossing Minimization Problem

14 years 9 months ago
A New Exact Algorithm for the Two-Sided Crossing Minimization Problem
The Two-Sided Crossing Minimization (TSCM) problem calls for minimizing the number of edge crossings of a bipartite graph where the two sets of vertices are drawn on two parallel layers and edges are drawn as straight lines. This well-known problem has important applications in VLSI design and automatic graph drawing. In this paper, we present a new branch-and-cut algorithm for the TSCM problem by modeling it directly to a binary quadratic programming problem. We show that a large number of effective cutting planes can be derived based on a reformulation of the TSCM problem. We compare our algorithm with a previous exact algorithm by testing both implementations with the same set of instances. Experimental evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach.
Lanbo Zheng, Christoph Buchheim
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Lanbo Zheng, Christoph Buchheim
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