

A New Exchange Method for Convex Semi-Infinite Programming

13 years 10 months ago
A New Exchange Method for Convex Semi-Infinite Programming
In this paper we propose a new exchange method for solving convex semi-infinite programming (CSIP) problems. We introduce a new dropping-rule in the proposed exchange algorithm, which only keeps those active constraints with positive Lagrange multipliers. Moreover, we exploit the idea of looking for -infeasible indices of the lower level problem as the adding-rule in our algorithm. Hence the algorithm does not require to solve a maximization problem over the index set at each iteration; it only needs to find some points such that a certain computationally-easy criterion is satisfied. Under some reasonable conditions, the new adding-dropping rule guarantees that our algorithm provides an approximate optimal solution for the CSIP problem in a finite number of iterations. In the numerical experiments, we apply the proposed algorithm to solve some test problems from the literature, including some medium-sized problems from complex approximation theory and FIR filter design. We compare our ...
Liping Zhang, Soon-Yi Wu, Marco A. López
Added 21 May 2011
Updated 21 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Liping Zhang, Soon-Yi Wu, Marco A. López
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