

The new face of procedural content: a real world approach

15 years 2 months ago
The new face of procedural content: a real world approach
This paper describes a project that uses real-world computer-troubleshooting scenarios to test and expand upon the latest research and technical knowledge in the area of procedural content development. Our goal was to improve the effectiveness of on-line help procedures for solving computer problems experienced by novice to intermediate computer users. Our focus was not just on writing techniques. We also focused on presentation aspects such as the structure of the content, use of graphics and screenshots. The outcome of the project is to develop procedural writing and presentation guidelines and to apply them to developing future support content, which we believe will lead to increased success of the target user. Prototypes based on the guidelines were usability tested with one prototype released on our public site. These tests showed positive results. Keywords User assistance, procedures, troubleshooting, technical writing. ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2 User Interfaces-- trainin...
Axel Roesler, Connie Douglass-Olberg, David Brunet
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CHI
Authors Axel Roesler, Connie Douglass-Olberg, David Brunet, David E. Kieras, David Farkas, Joyce Karreman, Michaël F. Steehouder, Ninad Dalal, Ryan Baker
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