

New image processing challenges for jointly designed electro-optical imaging systems

14 years 1 months ago
New image processing challenges for jointly designed electro-optical imaging systems
Still-image processing algorithms are tailored to and depend crucially upon the properties of the class of images to which they are applied, for instance natural images in consumer digital cameras, medical images in fMRI machines, and binary text images in some photocopiers. We describe a new and possibly very important class of images and tasks for which traditional algorithms seem ill-suited, and for which new algorithms and general methods and concepts are required. This new class of images arises in imaging systems designed through new, joint optimization methods where the optics and the image processing are designed simultaneously in order to yield a high-quality digital image. These new design methods yield intermediate optical images that have unusual spatial, noise and chromatic properties ill-served by traditional image methods. Moreover, these new images present a number of novel challenges in image processing hardware implementations such as constrained space-variance. We de...
M. Dirk Robinson, David G. Stork
Added 19 Feb 2011
Updated 19 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where ICIP
Authors M. Dirk Robinson, David G. Stork
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