

New Sequences Design from Weil Representation with Low Two-Dimensional Correlation in Both Time and Phase Shifts

13 years 12 months ago
New Sequences Design from Weil Representation with Low Two-Dimensional Correlation in Both Time and Phase Shifts
For a given prime p, a new construction of families of the complex valued sequences of period p with efficient implementation is given by applying both multiplicative characters and additive characters of finite field Fp. Such a signal set consists of p2 (p - 2) time-shift distinct sequences, the magnitude of the two-dimensional autocorrelation function (i.e., the ambiguity function) in both time and phase of each sequence is upper bounded by 2 p at any shift not equal to (0, 0), and the magnitude of the ambiguity function of any pair of phase-shift distinct sequences is upper bounded by 4 p. Furthermore, the magnitude of their Fourier transform spectrum is less than or equal to 2. A proof is given through finding a simple elementary construction for the sequences constructed from the Weil representation by Gurevich, Hadani and Sochen. An open problem for directly establishing these assertions without involving the Weil representation is addressed.
Zilong Wang, Guang Gong
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CORR
Authors Zilong Wang, Guang Gong
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