

NFS/M: An Open Platform Mobile File System

14 years 4 months ago
NFS/M: An Open Platform Mobile File System
With the advancement of wireless network and mobile computing, there is an increasing need to build a mobile le system that can perform e ciently and correctly for accessing online information. Previous system research on mobile le system is based on some experimental platforms. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of a mobile le system on an open platform, the Linux kernel, and at the same time, our mobile le system is compatible to the popular NFS 2.0 protocol. In this paper, we formally de ne the le semantics of our mobile le system, which we called the NFS M. We also specify the conditions of object con ict as well as our con ict resolution algorithms. NFS M supports client side caching, data prefetching, le system service during the disconnected mode, data reintegration and con ict resolution on various le system objects. Since the NFS M is based on an open platform, it serves as a basic building block for developing future mobile computing applications.
John C. S. Lui, Oldfield K. Y. So, T. S. Tam
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Authors John C. S. Lui, Oldfield K. Y. So, T. S. Tam
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