

NiCEBook: supporting natural note taking

14 years 7 months ago
NiCEBook: supporting natural note taking
In this paper, we present NiCEBook, a paper notebook that supports taking, structuring and reusing notes. Through a study of note-taking habits, we observed that different strategies are used to organize and share notes. Based on these observations, we developed a design for a notebook that combines different approaches to better support these activities. The details of our design were informed by an additional online survey. We emphasize the need to examine the characteristics of taking notes with paper notebooks in order to develop a digital system that resembles the quality of traditional writing. With NiCEBook, we present a solution that combines the flexibility and simplicity of taking notes on paper with the benefits of a digital representation. We demonstrate the capabilities of our system through customized views, searching and sharing functionality. Author Keywords Paper Interface, Digital Notebook, Digital Pen, NoteTaking, Structuring, Tagging ACM Classification Keywords H.5...
Peter Brandl, Christoph Richter, Michael Haller
Added 17 May 2010
Updated 17 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CHI
Authors Peter Brandl, Christoph Richter, Michael Haller
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