

NichingEDA: Utilizing the diversity inside a population of EDAs for continuous optimization

14 years 7 months ago
NichingEDA: Utilizing the diversity inside a population of EDAs for continuous optimization
— Since the Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) have been introduced, several single model based EDAs and mixture model based EDAs have been developed. Take Gaussian models as an example, EDAs based on single Gaussian distribution have good performance on solving simple unimodal functions and multimodal functions whose landscape has an obvious trend towards the global optimum. But they have difficulties in solving multimodal functions with irregular landscapes, such as wide basins, flat plateaus and deep valleys. Gaussian mixture model based EDAs have been developed to remedy this disadvantage of single Gaussian based EDAs. A general framework NichingEDA is presented in this paper from a new perspective to boost single model based EDAs’ performance. Through adopting a niching method and recombination operators in a population of EDAs, NichingEDA significantly boosts the traditional single model based EDAs’ performance by making use of the diversity inside the EDA popu...
Weishan Dong, Xin Yao
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CEC
Authors Weishan Dong, Xin Yao
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