


14 years 9 months ago
The no-three-in-line problem, introduced by Dudeney in 1917, asks for the maximum number of points in the n × n grid with no three points collinear. In 1951, Erd¨os proved that the answer is Θ(n). We consider the analogous three-dimensional problem, and prove that the maximum number of points in the n × n × n grid with no three collinear is Θ(n2 ). This result is generalised by the notion of a 3D drawing of a graph. Here each vertex is represented by a distinct gridpoint in Z3 , such that the line-segment representing each edge does not intersect any vertex, except for its own endpoints. Note that edges may cross. A 3D drawing of a complete graph Kn is nothing more than a set of n gridpoints with no three collinear. A slight generalisation of our first result is that the minimum volume for a 3D drawing of Kn is Θ(n3/2 ). This compares favourably to Θ(n3 ) when edges are not allowed to cross. Generalising the construction for Kn, we prove that every k-colourable graph on n vert...
Attila Pór, David R. Wood
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where GD
Authors Attila Pór, David R. Wood
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