

Node Connectivity Analysis in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks

14 years 6 months ago
Node Connectivity Analysis in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks
—In this paper, we study node connectivity in multi-hop wireless networks. Nodal degree of connectivity as one of the fundamental graph properties is the basis for the study of network connectivity and has been a major research issue in multihop wireless networks. We use Random Geometric Graphs (RGG) to model multi-hop wireless networks and present a nonasymptotic analysis assuming bounded area and finite number of nodes. We assume random uniformly scattered nodes in a square-shaped bounded area. We derive a closed-form formula for the expected value of node degree of connectivity and propose an approximation algorithm for degree distribution in multi-hop wireless networks. Our extensive simulation results confirm that the proposed non-asymptotic analyses are quite accurate. Keywords- expected node degree; degree distribution; multi-hop wireless networks; random geometric graph; closed-form formula
Bahador Bakhshi, Siavash Khorsandi
Added 16 Aug 2010
Updated 16 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where WCNC
Authors Bahador Bakhshi, Siavash Khorsandi
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