

Non-malleable extractors via character sums

13 years 6 months ago
Non-malleable extractors via character sums
In studying how to communicate over a public channel with an active adversary, Dodis and Wichs introduced the notion of a non-malleable extractor. A non-malleable extractor dramatically strengthens the notion of a strong extractor. A strong extractor takes two inputs, a weakly-random x and a uniformly random seed y, and outputs a string which appears uniform, even given y. For a non-malleable extractor nmExt, the output nmExt(x, y) should appear uniform given y as well as nmExt(x, A(y)), where A is an arbitrary function with A(y) = y. We show that an extractor introduced by Chor and Goldreich is non-malleable when the entropy rate is above half. It outputs a linear number of bits when the entropy rate is 1/2 + α, for any α > 0. Previously, no nontrivial parameters were known for any non-malleable extractor. We further show that our construction works even if the seed has entropy linear in the output length. To achieve a polynomial running time when outputting many bits, we rely o...
Trevor D. Wooley, David Zuckerman
Added 19 Aug 2011
Updated 19 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CORR
Authors Trevor D. Wooley, David Zuckerman
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