

Non-malleable Obfuscation

15 years 2 months ago
Non-malleable Obfuscation
Existing definitions of program obfuscation do not rule out malleability attacks, where an adversary that sees an obfuscated program is able to generate another (potentially obfuscated) program that is related to the original one in some way. We formulate two natural flavors of non-malleability requirements for program obfuscation, and show that they are incomparable in general. We also construct non-malleable obfuscators of both flavors for some program families of interest. Some of our constructions are in the Random Oracle model, whereas another one is in the common reference string model. We also define the notion of verifiable obfuscation which is of independent interest. School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( 1
Ran Canetti, Mayank Varia
Added 25 Nov 2009
Updated 25 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where TCC
Authors Ran Canetti, Mayank Varia
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