

Non-manifold Medial Surface Reconstruction from Volumetric Data

14 years 5 months ago
Non-manifold Medial Surface Reconstruction from Volumetric Data
We present a method for medial surface reconstruction from volumetric data of thin-plate objects including junctions. Given medial voxels and distance fields computed from binarized volumes, we polygonize medial voxels by covering them with spherical supports and connecting the center points of the supports. These spherical supports are constructed by distributing spheres depending on the topological type of the voxels so that junction and boundary voxels are distributed first. Triangular meshes are built from Voronoi diagrams on medial voxels. This improvement builds correct junctions, whereas conventional voxel-based methods tend to result in small cavities around them. This paper also demonstrates several results computed from CT-scanned engineering objects.
Takashi Michikawa, Hiromasa Suzuki
Added 18 Jul 2010
Updated 18 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where GMP
Authors Takashi Michikawa, Hiromasa Suzuki
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