

Non-Metric Coordinates for Predicting Network Proximity

14 years 6 months ago
Non-Metric Coordinates for Predicting Network Proximity
—We consider the problem of determining the “closest”, or best Internet host to connect to, from a list of candidate servers. Most existing approaches rely on the use of metric, or more specifically Euclidean coordinates to infer network proximity. This is problematic, given that network distances such as latency are known to violate the triangle inequality. This leads us to consider non-metric coordinate systems. We perform an empirical comparison between the “min-plus” non-metric coordinates and two metric coordinates, namely L-infinity and Euclidean. We observe that, when sufficiently many dimensions are used, min-plus outperforms metric coordinates for predicting Internet latencies. We also consider the prediction of “widest path capacity” between nodes. In this framework, we propose a generalization of min-plus coordinates. These results apply when node coordinates consist in measured network proximity to a random subset of landmark nodes. We perform empirical val...
Peter B. Key, Laurent Massoulié, Dan-Cristi
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Peter B. Key, Laurent Massoulié, Dan-Cristian Tomozei
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