

Nonparametric Density Estimation on A Graph: Learning Framework, Fast Approximation and Application in Image Segmentation

13 years 10 months ago
Nonparametric Density Estimation on A Graph: Learning Framework, Fast Approximation and Application in Image Segmentation
We present a novel framework for tree-structure embedded density estimation and its fast approximation for mode seeking. The proposed method could find diverse applications in computer vision and feature space analysis. Given any undirected, connected and weighted graph, the density function is defined as a joint representation of the feature space and the distance domain on the graph’s spanning tree. Since the distance domain of a tree is a constrained one, mode seeking can not be directly achieved by traditional mean shift in both domain. we address this problem by introducing node shifting with force competition and its fast approximation. Our work is closely related to the previous literature of nonparametric methods. One shall see, however, that the new formulation of this problem can lead to many advantages and new characteristics in its application, as will be illustrated later in this paper.
Zhiding Yu, Oscar Au, Ketan Tang
Added 05 Apr 2011
Updated 29 Apr 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CVPR
Authors Zhiding Yu, Oscar Au, Ketan Tang
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