

Nonparametric Linear Discriminant Analysis by Recursive Optimization with Random Initialization

14 years 7 months ago
Nonparametric Linear Discriminant Analysis by Recursive Optimization with Random Initialization
A method for the linear discrimination of two classes has been proposed by us in 3 . It searches for the discriminant direction which maximizes the distance between the projected class-conditional densities. It is a nonparametric method in the sense that the densities are estimated from the data. Since the distance between the projected densities is a highly nonlinear function with respect to the projected direction we maximize the objective function by an iterative optimization algorithm. The solution of this algorithm depends strongly on the starting point of the optimizer and the observed maximum can be merely a local maximum.In 3 we proposed a procedure for recursive optimization which searches for several local maxima of the objective function ensuring that a maximum already found will not be chosen again at a later stage. In this paper we re ne this method. We propose a procedure which provides a batch mode optimization instead an interactive optimization employed in 3 . By means...
Mayer Aladjem
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where IDA
Authors Mayer Aladjem
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