

A novel hybrid evolutionary strategy and its periodization with multi-objective genetic optimizers

14 years 1 months ago
A novel hybrid evolutionary strategy and its periodization with multi-objective genetic optimizers
— This work investigates the effects of the periodization of local and global multi-objective search algorithms. To this, we introduce a model for periodization and define a new multi-objective evolutionary algorithm adopting concepts from Evolutionary Strategies and NSGAII. We show that our method, especially when periodized with standard multi-objective genetic algorithms, excels for the evolution of digital circuits on the Cartesian Genetic Programming model as well as on some standard benchmarks such as the ZDT6.
Paul Kaufmann, Tobias Knieper, Marco Platzner
Added 13 Jan 2011
Updated 13 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CEC
Authors Paul Kaufmann, Tobias Knieper, Marco Platzner
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