

A Novel Markov Random Field Based Deformable Model for Face Recognition

14 years 8 months ago
A Novel Markov Random Field Based Deformable Model for Face Recognition
In this paper, a new scheme to address the face recognition problem is proposed. Different from traditional face recognition approaches which represent each facial image by a single feature vector as the classification problem, the proposed method establishes a new way to formulate the face recognition problem as a deformable image registration problem. The main contributions of the paper lie in the following aspects: (i) Each pixel is represented by an anatomical feature signature calculated from its corresponding best scale salient region by using a new salient region detector based on the survival exponential entropy (SEE); (ii) The face recognition problem is formulated as a deformable image registration problem, the deformation model is represented by a Markov random field (MRF) labeling framework. Explicit pixel correspondence is established by the deformation framework. (iii) The survival exponential entropy based normalized mutual information (SEE-NMI) is proposed and integr...
Shu Liao, Albert C.S. Chung
Added 17 Jul 2010
Updated 17 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CVPR
Authors Shu Liao, Albert C.S. Chung
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