

Novel Methods for the Design of General Type-2 Fuzzy Sets based on Device Characteristics and Linguistic Labels Surveys

13 years 11 months ago
Novel Methods for the Design of General Type-2 Fuzzy Sets based on Device Characteristics and Linguistic Labels Surveys
Fuzzy Logic Systems are widely recognized to be successful at modelling uncertainty in a large variety of applications. While recently interval type-2 fuzzy logic has been credited for the ability to better deal with large amounts of uncertainty, general type2 fuzzy logic has been a steadily growing research area. All fuzzy logic systems require the accurate specification of the membership functions' (MFs) parameters. While some work for automatic or manual design of these parameters has been proposed for type-1 and interval type-2 fuzzy logic, the problem has not yet been widely addressed for general type-2 fuzzy logic. In this paper we propose two methods which allow the automatic design of general type-2 MFs using either data gathered through a survey on the linguistic variables required or, in the case of physical devices (e.g. sensors, actuators), using data directly gathered from the specific devices. As such, the proposed methods allow for the creation of general type-2 MFs...
Christian Wagner, Hani Hagras
Added 17 Feb 2011
Updated 17 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Authors Christian Wagner, Hani Hagras
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