

A Novel Noncausal Whole-Frame Concealment Algorithm for Video Streaming

14 years 9 months ago
A Novel Noncausal Whole-Frame Concealment Algorithm for Video Streaming
Error concealment is very important for video communication as an application-layer error control mechanism which can be used independently of the underlying communication infrastructure. In this paper, we propose a noncausal whole-frame concealment algorithm to conceal lost frames in the video sequence. The proposed algorithm consist of two parts. First, the preliminary version of the lost frame is generated using motion vectors from three different sources: from previous frames, upcoming frames, and, in case of RPS-NACK, the reset frame as well. Then, to fill the remaining empty areas, the algorithm uses spatiotemporal boundary matching. Experimental results show that the complexity of the proposed algorithm is low enough to run in real time, while achieving higher PSNR and providing better visual quality than the competing state-of-the-art method.
S. Mohsen Amiri, Ivan V. Bajic
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ISM
Authors S. Mohsen Amiri, Ivan V. Bajic
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