

A novel parallel hardware and software solution for a large-scale biologically realistic cortical simulation

14 years 4 months ago
A novel parallel hardware and software solution for a large-scale biologically realistic cortical simulation
This research addresses a major gap in our conceptual understanding of synaptic and brain-like network dynamics. Over the course of several years we have designed and implemented increasingly complex and powerful brain-like simulators which apply recent advances in computer and networking technology towards the goal of understanding brain function in terms of pulse-coded information networks. These simulations have been run on increasingly powerful clusters of computers. Currently we have a cluster of 128 processors with a total of 256 GB of RAM and more than a Terabyte of disk storage, interconnected with a Myrinet 2000 highspeed/low-latency interconnection network. On this cluster we are able to run simulations on the order of 3 million synapses per processor, with the capability of receiving stimulus input from remote devices.
Frederick C. Harris Jr., Mark C. Ballew, Jason Bau
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Frederick C. Harris Jr., Mark C. Ballew, Jason Baurick, James Frye, Lance Hutchinson, James G. King, Philip H. Goodman, Rich Drewes
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