

NuEditor - A Tool Suite for Specification and Verification of NuSCR

14 years 5 months ago
NuEditor - A Tool Suite for Specification and Verification of NuSCR
NuEditor is a tool suite supporting specification and verification of software requirements written in NuSCR. NuSCR extends SCR (Software Cost Reduction) notation that has been used in specifying requirements for embedded safety-critical systems such as a shutdown system for nuclear power plant. SCR almost exclusively depended on fine-grained tabular notations to represent not only computation-intensive functions but also timeor state-dependent operations. As a consequence, requirements became excessively complex and difficult to understand. NuSCR supports intuitive and concise notations. For example, automata is used to capture time or state-dependent operations, and concise tabular notations are made possible by allowing complex but proven-correct equations be used without having to decompose them into a sequence of primitive operations. NuEditor provides graphical editing environment and supports static analysis to detect errors such as missing or conflicting requirements. To provi...
Jaemyung Cho, Junbeom Yoo, Sung Deok Cha
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where SERA
Authors Jaemyung Cho, Junbeom Yoo, Sung Deok Cha
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