

Numerical Simulation of Bubble Motions in a Gate Slot

14 years 3 months ago
Numerical Simulation of Bubble Motions in a Gate Slot
—A Lagrangian-Eulerian numerical scheme for the investigation of bubble motion in turbulent flow is developed. The flow is analyzed in the Eulerian reference frame while the bubble motion is simulated in the Lagrangian one. Finite volume scheme is used, and SIMPLEC algorithm is utilized for the pressure and velocity linkage. The Reynolds stresses are modeled by the RSTM model of Launder. Upwind scheme is used to model convective fluxes. The Results obtained of flow field simulation were compared with the experimental results and was shown good agreement with experimental data. The Gaussian Filter White Noise is incorporated to simulate the turbulent fluctuation velocities. The bubble diameter is found by the use of Rayleigh-Plesset equation. Various forces in the equation of motion of the bubble are considered. The Buoyancy, Saffman lift, drag, pressure, and change of volume forces are carefully applied. The effects of all of these forces on bubble path are also examined. The bubbles...
Arman Raoufi, Mehrzad Shams, Reza Ebrahimi, Goodar
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where ENGL
Authors Arman Raoufi, Mehrzad Shams, Reza Ebrahimi, Goodarz Ahmadi
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