

OBDD-based Universal Planning for Synchronized Agents in Non-Deterministic Domains

14 years 7 days ago
OBDD-based Universal Planning for Synchronized Agents in Non-Deterministic Domains
Recently model checking representation and search techniques were shown to be efciently applicable to planning, in particular to non-deterministic planning. Such planning approaches use Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (obdds) to encode a planning domainas a non-deterministic nite automatonand then apply fast algorithms frommodel checking to search for a solution. obdds can e ectively scale and can provide universal plans for complex planning domains. We are particularly interested in addressing the complexities arising in non-deterministic, multi-agent domains. In this article, we present umop, a new universal obdd-based planning framework for non-deterministic, multi-agent domains. We introduce a new planning domain description language, NADL, to specify non-deterministic, multi-agent domains. The language contributes the explicit de nition of controllable agents and uncontrollable environment agents. We describe the syntax and semantics of NADL and show how to build an e cient obdd...
Rune M. Jensen, Manuela M. Veloso
Added 18 Dec 2010
Updated 18 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2000
Where JAIR
Authors Rune M. Jensen, Manuela M. Veloso
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