

Object Detection using a Max-Margin Hough Transform

15 years 9 months ago
Object Detection using a Max-Margin Hough Transform
We present a discriminative Hough transform based ob- ject detector where each local part casts a weighted vote for the possible locations of the object center. We show that the weights can be learned in a max-margin framework which directly optimizes the classification performance. The dis- criminative training takes into account both the codebook appearance and the spatial distribution of its position with respect to the object center to derive its importance. On various datasets we show that the discriminative training improves the Hough detector. Combined with a verification step using a SVM based classifier, our approach achieves a detection rate of 91.9% at 0.3 false positives per image on the ETHZ shape dataset, a significant improvement over the state of the art, while running the verification step on at least an order of magnitude fewer windows than in a sliding window approach.
Subhransu Maji (University of California, Berkeley
Added 05 May 2009
Updated 10 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CVPR
Authors Subhransu Maji (University of California, Berkeley), Jitendra Malik (University of California, Berkeley)
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