

An object-oriented 3D graphics toolkit

14 years 4 months ago
An object-oriented 3D graphics toolkit
This paper presents an object-oriented toolkit for developers of interactive 3D graphics applications. The primary goal of the toolkit is (o make it easier for programmers to create 3D graphics applications that employ direct manipulation techniques in addition to conventional 2D-widgets. Such techniques have generally been ignored in previous graphics packages and systems. The toolkit provides a general and extensible framework for representing 3D scenes so that applications can integrate their data with graphical objects rather than having duplicate copies. A simple, integrated event model that enables direct interaction with 3D objects is also included. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors
Paul S. Strauss, Rikk Carey
Added 10 Aug 2010
Updated 10 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1992
Authors Paul S. Strauss, Rikk Carey
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