

Objects and Occlusion from Motion Labeling

14 years 4 months ago
Objects and Occlusion from Motion Labeling
The problem of segmenting color video sequences is addressed. Boundary motion and occlusion relations expressed by labeling rules are argued to be of key importance for segmentation. Interframe motion of object(s) and background is approximated by a similarity or affine transforms. The computation proceeds in several steps: (1) color gradient edges are fuzzy-clustered according to their motion; (2) boundaries of regions formed by a color segmenter are assigned weights and labeled according to their motion; (3) un-ambiguously moving regions and "conflict" regions are identified by a label relaxation procedure; (4) ambiguities and conflicts are resolved by multiframe analysis. Keywords Semantic segmentation, motion fuzzy clustering, motion labeling, occluding boundaries, multiframe tracking.
Albert Akhriev, Alexander Bonch-Osmolovsky, Alexan
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WSCG
Authors Albert Akhriev, Alexander Bonch-Osmolovsky, Alexander Prusakov, Fedor Chelnokov, Pavel Agapov
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