

The Objects Interaction Matrix for Modeling Cardinal Directions in Spatial Databases

14 years 10 months ago
The Objects Interaction Matrix for Modeling Cardinal Directions in Spatial Databases
Abstract. Besides topological relations and approximate relations, cardinal directions have turned out to be an important class of qualitative spatial relations. In spatial databases and GIS they are frequently used as selection criteria in spatial queries. But the available models of cardinal relations suffer from a number of problems like the unequal treatment of the two spatial objects as arguments of a cardinal direction relation, the use of too coarse approximations of the two spatial operand objects in terms of single representative points or minimum bounding rectangles, the lacking property of converseness of the cardinal directions computed, the partial restriction and limited applicability to simple spatial objects only, and the computation of incorrect results in some cases. This paper proposes a novel two-phase method that solves these problems and consists of a tiling phase and an interpretation phase. In the first phase, a tiling strategy first determines the zones belo...
Tao Chen, Markus Schneider, Ganesh Viswanathan, We
Added 17 May 2010
Updated 17 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Tao Chen, Markus Schneider, Ganesh Viswanathan, Wenjie Yuan
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