

Observable Graphs

14 years 3 months ago
Observable Graphs
An edge-colored directed graph is observable if an agent that moves along its edges is able to determine his position in the graph after a sufficiently long observation of the edge colors. When the agent is able to determine his position only from time to time, the graph is said to be partly observable. Observability in graphs is desirable in situations where autonomous agents are moving on a network and one wants to localize them (or the agent wants to localize himself) with limited information. In this paper, we completely characterize observable and partly observable graphs and show how these concepts relate to observable discrete event systems and to local automata. Based on these characterizations, we provide polynomial time algorithms to decide observability, to decide partial observability, and to compute the minimal number of observations necessary for finding the position of an agent. In particular we prove that in the worst case this minimal number of observations increases ...
Raphael M. Jungers, Vincent D. Blondel
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where CORR
Authors Raphael M. Jungers, Vincent D. Blondel
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