

Obtaining Quantitative Predictions from Monotone Relationships

14 years 2 months ago
Obtaining Quantitative Predictions from Monotone Relationships
: Tasks such as forecasting, diagnosis, and planning frequently require quantitative predictions . Typically, quantitative predictions are obtained by characterizing a system in terms of algebraic relationships and then using these relationships to compute quantitative predictions from numerical data . For real-life systems, such as mainframe operating systems, an algebraic characterization is often difficult, if not intractable. This paper proposes a statistical approach to obtaining quantitative predictions from monotone relationships -- non-parametric interpolative-prediction for monotone functions (NIMF). NIMF uses monotone relationships to search historical data for bounds that provide a desired level of statistical confidence . We evaluate NIMF by comparing its predictions to those of linear least-squares regression (a widely-used statistical technique that requires specifying algebraic relationships) for memory contention in an IBM computer system . We find that NIMF consistentl...
Joseph L. Hellerstein
Added 06 Nov 2010
Updated 06 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1990
Where AAAI
Authors Joseph L. Hellerstein
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