

OILing the way to machine understandable bioinformatics resources

14 years 19 days ago
OILing the way to machine understandable bioinformatics resources
The complex questions and analyses posed by biologists, as well as the diverse data resources they develop, require the fusion of evidence from different, independently developed and heterogeneous resources. The web as an enabler for interoperability has been an excellent mechanism for data publication and transportation. Successful exchange and integration of information, however, depends on a shared language for communication (a terminology) and a shared understanding of what the data means (an ontology). Without this kind of understanding, semantic heterogeneity remains a problem for both humans and machines. One means of dealing with heterogeneity in bioinformatics resources is through terminology founded upon an ontology. Bioinformatics resources tend to be rich in human readable and understandable annotation, with each resource using its own terminology. These resources are machine readable, but not machine understandable. Ontologies have a role in increasing this machine unders...
Robert Stevens, Carole A. Goble, Ian Horrocks, Sea
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where TITB
Authors Robert Stevens, Carole A. Goble, Ian Horrocks, Sean Bechhofer
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