d Abstract) Mitsuhisa Sato1 , Motonari Hirano2 , Yoshio Tanaka2 , and Satoshi Sekiguchi2 1 Real World Computing Partnership, Tsukuba, Japan 2 Software Research Associates, Inc 3 Electrotechnical Laboratory Abstract. Omni remote procedure call facility, OmniRPC, is a threadsafe grid RPC facility for cluster and global computing environments. The remote libraries are implemented as executable programs in each remote computer, and OmniRPC automatically allocates remote library calls dynamically on appropriate remote computers to facilitate location transparency. We propose to use OpenMP as an easy-to-use and simple programming environment for the multi-threaded client of OmniRPC. We use the POSIX thread implementation of the Omni OpenMP compiler which allows multi-threaded execution of OpenMP programs by POSIX threads even in a single processor. Multiple outstanding requests of OmniRPC calls in OpenMP work-sharing construct are dispatched to different remote computers to exploit network-...