

One-point extensions of generalized hexagons and octagons

14 years 18 days ago
One-point extensions of generalized hexagons and octagons
In this note, we prove the uniqueness of the one-point extension S of a generalized hexagon of order 2 and prove the non-existence of such an extension S of any other finite generalized hexagon of classical order, different from the one of order 2, and of the known finite generalized octagons provided the following property holds: for any three points x, y and z of S, the graph theoretic distance from y to z in the derived generalized hexagon Sx is the same as the distance from x to z in Sy. Mathematics Subject Classification 2000: 51E12. Key words and phrases: Split Cayley hexagon, one-point extension
Hans Cuypers, A. De Wispelaere, Hendrik Van Maldeg
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where ENDM
Authors Hans Cuypers, A. De Wispelaere, Hendrik Van Maldeghem
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