

Online Anomaly Detection under Adversarial Impact

13 years 7 months ago
Online Anomaly Detection under Adversarial Impact
Security analysis of learning algorithms is gaining increasing importance, especially since they have become target of deliberate obstruction in certain applications. Some security-hardened algorithms have been previously proposed for supervised learning; however, very little is known about the behavior of anomaly detection methods in such scenarios. In this contribution, we analyze the performance of a particular method-online centroid anomaly detection--in the presence of adversarial noise. Our analysis addresses three key security-related issues: derivation of an optimal attack, analysis of its efficiency and constraints. Experimental evaluation carried out on real HTTP and exploit traces confirms the tightness of our theoretical bounds.
Marius Kloft, Pavel Laskov
Added 19 May 2011
Updated 19 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JMLR
Authors Marius Kloft, Pavel Laskov
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