

Online Routing in Quasi-Planar and Quasi-Polyhedral Graphs

15 years 2 months ago
Online Routing in Quasi-Planar and Quasi-Polyhedral Graphs
We address the problem of online route discovery for a class of graphs that can be embedded either in two or in three dimensional space. In two dimensions we propose the class of quasi-planar graphs and in three dimensions the class of quasi-polyhedral graphs. In both cases we provide a routing algorithm that guarantees delivery. Our algorithms need only "remember" the source and destination nodes and one (respectively, two) reference nodes. Moreover, we show that the quasi-planar routing algorithm is inherently flexible in its path-finding, and as an application demonstrate computational results for a network load problem.
Evangelos Kranakis, Tim Mott, Ladislav Stacho
Added 24 Dec 2009
Updated 24 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Evangelos Kranakis, Tim Mott, Ladislav Stacho
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