

The Online Target Date Assignment Problem

14 years 8 months ago
The Online Target Date Assignment Problem
Abstract. Many online problems encountered in real-life involve a twostage decision process: upon arrival of a new request, an irrevocable firststage decision (the assignment of a specific resource to the request) must be made immediately, while in a second stage process, certain “subinstances” (that is, the instances of all requests assigned to a particular resource) can be solved to optimality (offline) later. We introduce the novel concept of an Online Target Date Assignment Problem (OnlineTDAP) as a general framework for online problems with this nature. Requests for the OnlineTDAP become known at certain dates. An online algorithm has to assign a target date to each request, specifying on which date the request should be processed (e. g., an appointment with a customer for a washing machine repair). The cost at a target date is given by the downstream cost, the optimal cost of processing all requests at that date w. r. t. some fixed downstream offline optimization problem (...
Stefan Heinz, Sven Oliver Krumke, Nicole Megow, J&
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where WAOA
Authors Stefan Heinz, Sven Oliver Krumke, Nicole Megow, Jörg Rambau, Andreas Tuchscherer, Tjark Vredeveld
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