

OntoGame: Towards Overcoming the Incentive Bottleneck in Ontology Building

14 years 8 months ago
OntoGame: Towards Overcoming the Incentive Bottleneck in Ontology Building
Despite significant advancement in ontology learning, building ontologies remains a task that highly depends on human intelligence, both as a source of domain expertise and for producing a consensual conceptualization. This means that individuals need to contribute time, and sometimes other resources, to an ontology project. Now, we can observe a sharp contrast in user interest in two branches of Web activity: While the “Web 2.0” movement lives from an unprecedented amount of contributions from Web users, we witness a substantial lack of user involvement in ontology projects for the Semantic Web. We assume that one cause of the latter is a lack of proper incentive structures of ontology projects, i.e., settings in which the perceived benefits outweigh the efforts for people to contribute. As a novel solution, we (1) propose to masquerade collaborative ontology engineering behind on-line, multi-player game scenarios, in order to create proper incentives for humans to help building o...
Katharina Siorpaes, Martin Hepp
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where OTM
Authors Katharina Siorpaes, Martin Hepp
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