

Ontological Sketch Modelling (OSM): Concept-based Usability Analysis

14 years 4 months ago
Ontological Sketch Modelling (OSM): Concept-based Usability Analysis
: OSM is a novel approach to usability analysis and design that focuses on the quality of fit between the concepts the user is working with and those represented within supporting systems. It focuses not on tasks and procedures but on ontology - that is, the conceptual objects (entities and their attributes) that are embodied in a system, and the mismatches between those concepts and the ones brought to the system by its intended users. This full-day introductory tutorial will lead attendees through the essential concepts and procedures necessary to perform an OSM analysis, using familiar and readily available examples. Exercises will take the form of individual and small-group working. Participants may be HCI practitioners or researchers with an interest in semi-formal analytical approaches. At the end of the tutorial participants will have learned what OSM is and how to apply it to the analysis and design of real-world systems.
Ann Blandford, Iain Connell
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Ann Blandford, Iain Connell
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