

Ontologies At Work: Publishing Multilingual Recreational Routes Using Ontologies

14 years 6 months ago
Ontologies At Work: Publishing Multilingual Recreational Routes Using Ontologies
Even though there is nothing new about the idea, ontologies are a hot topic. Built for many reasons and appliances, the use of ontologies in real-life applications remains limited. The WalkOnWeb project has developed ontologies in the area of recreational routing and applied them in a real application. This demonstration will show these applications and explain how they use ontologies. With the "Walk Planner" hikers can plan their trip by looking for trails, creating new routes and getting detailed information in print, web or mobile format. Authors can create and describe routes using the "Authoring Tool". By creating ontologies and using them in these applications the WalkOnWeb project has developed a system to publish electronic routes in a flexible and personalized way.
Bert Paepen
Added 14 Aug 2010
Updated 14 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Bert Paepen
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