

Ontologizing EDI: First Steps and Initial Experience

14 years 7 months ago
Ontologizing EDI: First Steps and Initial Experience
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards for transmission of business messages were promulgated in the 1970s. As standards became more complex to provide additional message types and variants, programmers and businesses started calling for simpler, semantically-enabled, systems; some even predicting traditional EDI’s imminent demise. Numerous projects to create successor systems using XML were unable to stop traditional EDI’s growth. DERI is taking a different approach: ontologizing EDI to allow the creation of semantically enabled messages, while being backward compatible with traditional systems. We argue that ontologizing syntax first enables automatic calculation of the intersection of message formats necessary for initiating new EDI partnerships as well as provides the groundwork for ontologizing message meanings.
Douglas Foxvog, Christoph Bussler
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where DEEC
Authors Douglas Foxvog, Christoph Bussler
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