

Ontology Based Semantic Image Interpretation

8 years 10 months ago
Ontology Based Semantic Image Interpretation
Abstract. Semantic image interpretation (SII) leverages Semantic Web ontologies for generating a mathematical structure that describes the content of images. SII algorithms consider the ontologies only in a late phase of the SII process to enrich these structures. In this research proposal we study a well-founded framework that combines logical knowledge with low-level image features in the early phase of SII. The image content is represented with a partial model of an ontology. Each element of the partial model is grounded to a set of segments of the image. Moreover, we propose an approximate algorithm that searches for the most plausible partial model. The comparison of our method with a knowledgeblind baseline shows that the use of ontologies significantly improves the results.
Ivan Donadello
Added 14 Apr 2016
Updated 14 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where AIIA
Authors Ivan Donadello
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