CST’s Baby CareLink provides a ‘collaborative healthware’ environment for parents of premature infants that incorporates just-in-time learning as one means of knowledge exploration and patient empowerment [1], [2], [3]. As the Baby CareLink content base has continued to grow, it has become increasingly difficult for content prescribers to identify all relevant resources for parents at a given point in time in their child’s course of care. In addition, the growing content base has become increasingly difficult to maintain without a rich indexing system. In order to address these issues, we have developed an ontology-driven application that supports the indexing and retrieval of educational materials according to rich descriptions of premature infants. We have developed an initial OWL-DL-based [4] ontology describing relevant concepts in the domain of neonatology, including clinical conditions, diagnostic testing, therapies, durable medical equipment, and the infants themselves. ...