

Ontology Extraction from Existing Educational Content to Improve Personalized e-Learning Experiences

14 years 7 months ago
Ontology Extraction from Existing Educational Content to Improve Personalized e-Learning Experiences
Nowadays, the use of domain ontologies in e-Learning applications is rapidly increasing due to the important role they play in knowledge representation, sharing of didactical material and content personalization. However, the ontology building processes is still extremely difficult to achieve. In this paper we present a semi-automatic process based on knowledge extraction from existing SCORM educational content aimed to speed up and facilitate the realization of domain ontologies and the breakdown of SCORM packages in fine-grained, rearrangeable learning objects appropriate for building personalized e-Learning experience.
Nicola Capuano, Luca Dell'Angelo, Francesco Orciuo
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Nicola Capuano, Luca Dell'Angelo, Francesco Orciuoli, Sergio Miranda, Francesco Zurolo
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