

An OO Visual Language Definition Approach Supporting Multiple Views

14 years 4 months ago
An OO Visual Language Definition Approach Supporting Multiple Views
The formal approach to visual language definition is to use graph grammars and/or graph transformation techniques. These techniques focus on specifying the syntax and manipulation rules of the concrete representation. This paper presents a constraint and object-oriented approach to defining visual languages that uses UML and OCL as a definition language. Visual language definitions specify a mapping between concrete ract models of possible visual sentences, which can subsequently be used to determine if instances of each model “validly” express each other. This technique supports many:many mappings between concrete and model instances, and supports the implementation of functionality that requires feedback abstract domain to the concrete.
David H. Akehurst
Added 01 Aug 2010
Updated 01 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where VL
Authors David H. Akehurst
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