

Open, distributed coordination with finesse

14 years 4 months ago
Open, distributed coordination with finesse
Coordination languages have recently been attracting signi cant attention as a means of programming parallel and distributed systems. The approach of separating coordination from computation is particularly attractive in distributed systems because there are a wide range of possible interaction, quality and reliability semantics that are either hidden or ignored by traditional infrastructures based on remote procedure call. Introducing an explicit, programmable model for the distributed infrastructure makes these semantics visible and tractable, without requiring substantial changes in distributed components. This paper presents Finesse, a language for describing the interaction of components in open distributed systems, anddemonstrates its power through a number of examples.
Andrew Berry, Simon M. Kaplan
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where SAC
Authors Andrew Berry, Simon M. Kaplan
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