

Open Metadata Formats: Efficient XML-Based Communication for High Performance Computing

14 years 7 days ago
Open Metadata Formats: Efficient XML-Based Communication for High Performance Computing
High-performance computing faces considerable change as the Internet and the Grid mature. Applications that once were tightly-coupled and monolithic are now decentralized, with collaborating components spread across diverse computational elements. Such distributed systems most commonly communicate through the exchange of structured data. Definition and translation of metadata is incorporated in all systems that exchange structured data. We observe that the manipulation of this metadata can be decomposed into three separate steps: discovery, binding of program objects to the metadata, and marshaling of data to and from wire formats. We have designed a method of representing message formats in XML, using datatypes available in the XML Schema specification. We have implemented a tool, XMIT, that uses such metadata and exploits this decomposition in order to provide flexible run-time metadata definition facilities for an efficient binary communication mechanism. We also demonstrate that t...
Patrick Widener, Greg Eisenhauer, Karsten Schwan,
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Authors Patrick Widener, Greg Eisenhauer, Karsten Schwan, Fabián E. Bustamante
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